Requests for prescription refills can be made through the contact Dr. Segal link or by leaving a voicemail message for Dr. Segal. Please state your name, date of birth, as well as the name of the medication and dosage when requesting a refill. Dr. Segal kindly asks that all patients monitor how much medication they have and reach out to request refills well in advance of running out of medication. Dr. Segal can take up to three business days to complete a medication refill and makes every attempt to fill the request as soon as possible.
Patients that do not regularly attend scheduled appointments may in many cases not receive refills on their medications. Additionally, patients that have missed a recent appointment and are requesting a medication refill may require a phone call from Dr. Segal so that he can receive a brief update about the patient and his or her wellbeing prior to refilling a medication. In these cases, the patient or their family may be charged at the rate of a partial visit.